HMS Photography

photography, movies, books, vampires, zombies, superheros

bye hair

Kategori: outfits

Cut off about 1 decimeter of hair and created an edgy, shorter hairstyle with side bangs. It is so me,
I love my hairdresser. She gave me a ton of makeup for free so hopefully I will experiment with some glitter eyeliner soon... But first finnish my essay which is due friday. Stress.


Kategori: outfits

A 15 page argumentative essay is in the making. I hang around in knitted socks and generally cosy clothes to compensate for my organized, planned brain (as if).

SEP 28

Kategori: outfits

Faceless today
When I finally get a reason to put on some decent clothes of course the weather sucks. I rushed out in to my garden anyways to take some quick shots. But because of the rain the lense turned blurry so the pictures are not what I want them to be. Anyways, this week I've been to me and my sister's new apartment almost every day. We have been painting and cleaning and renovating and I actually took a few photos of the process. So I have had some time to be creative the last few days. Will publish them when I have time to edit.

SEP 18

Kategori: outfits

A fast shot before running to the bus. Not very imaginative but at least something.
The outfit of today. Freezing. I needed to comfort myself from the terrible thought that the winter will be here soon.
So i bought me some coffee and a cinnamon bun, while studying eager and hard. Not.
But I will, the day before deadline as usual.. Sigh.

SEP 17

Kategori: outfits


New category

Kategori: outfits

Since I haven't shot as often as I want to due to different circumstances I will now start a new category: outfits. Not very innovative, you've seen it before in different fashionblogs, but It's a way to force myself to take pictures several times a week. Plus it's the kind of pictures I need most practice of. Pictures of people, portraits and so on. It is also these photos I enjoy when i scroll thru other blogs. Here are a few links to  blogs that takes really good (meaning: no photoboot, Iphone or blurry digital camera) outfit pictures :
And stay tuned for my outfit of today.
P.s. If any of my lovely sweet friends could model for me some time, I would really appreciate it!